Welcome to the Air Sickness Bag Virtual Museum!

Museum currently exhibits 3161 unique bags.

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OK, Bag Monster is a moronic name, but Monster has become a catch-all phrase for "Hey, this will help you do something" This section will help you find the bags you're looking for (like you're really looking for them). Leaving everything blank will retrieve a list of all bags, however that may cause the page to load slowly.

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Approximate Vintage: 2007
Received From: Gerhard Lang
Print or Image Color: Black, Blue
Background / Bag Color: White
This is one of the most confusing Busan-Fukuoka bags ever, from a ferry that goes between Japan and Korea. I have no idea who KOBEE might be or why he's prominently displayed on the bag. I also like that they sandwich the word 'clip' between the Korean and Japanese.


Received From: Thomas Blickle
Print or Image Color: Navy, Gold, Gray
Background / Bag Color: White
ModiLuft translates to Mode Air in English. In either language, it's a crappy moniker. Simple pine needles next to the airline's name.


Received From: Reid Trummel
Print or Image Color: Green
Background / Bag Color: White
I LOVE THIS BAG! It's the only bag I know of that shows a photo of the craft upon which it's used, in this case it looks like a commuter boat. The bag is Korean in origin and, like Laser, uses a gripper zipper.

According to Jack Rupard, "I copied the scan of the Korean hydroplane boat and let my friend Soo Kee check it out. She didn't exactly give a literal translation, but certainly the gist. Seems it is from the company that operates the boat MokPo, and they run charters between Seoul and an island called Hondo. Also, the bag mentions a taxi company. Not sure whether it is in Seoul or Hondo. By the way, the O's are al pronounced as long O's, like in total or toe."

Molotov Theatre Group

Approximate Vintage: 2008
Received From: Lucas Maloney
Print or Image Color: Black
Background / Bag Color: White
Not only has Molotov Theatre Group embraced the Barf Bag as a marketing as a handout genre, it even issued a press release about it.


Approximate Vintage: 1998
Received From: David Birtwell
Print or Image Color: Black and Gold
Background / Bag Color: White
ENORMOUS white bag for that lousy British food. Could easily fit three meals. The bag claims that it's made of low density polyetheline (LDPE) but it sure feels like Tyvek.


Approximate Vintage: 2002
Received From: Garnier Fabrice
Print or Image Color: Black and Gold
Background / Bag Color: White
I still think the Monarch logo looks like a diamond shaped guy playing jump rope.


Approximate Vintage: 2004
Received From: Thomas Blickle
Print or Image Color: Black and Gold
Background / Bag Color: White
ENORMOUS white bag for that lousy British food. Could easily fit three meals. The bag claims that it's made of low density polyetheline (LDPE) but it sure feels like Tyvek. Identical to 1998 bag, except the black block is gone from this version.

Monarch Airlines

Received From: Janusz Tichoniuk
Print or Image Color: Black, Orange
Background / Bag Color: White
Monarch streamline's their M and changes colors in order to make over their image (?). Bag is still very royal however.

Monarch Airlines Limited

Received From: Roger MacRae
Print or Image Color: Black, Orange
Background / Bag Color: White
This is an old Monarch bag with a tall, think crown. Predecessor of many bags to come.

Mondo Movie Night 2

Received From: Blake Monahan
Print or Image Color: Black
Background / Bag Color: White
If you live around Scranton, PA, you should go to the Horrorfest known as Mondo Movie Night. For Mondo Movie Night 2, barf bags were printed. This one says "The events in Zombie May Cause Sickness, Please Use this Bag if in need. Thank you." Also distributed at the festival were Faint Checks.

More Gore Score

Approximate Vintage: 1992
Received From: Marc Quacko Cawiezel
Print or Image Color: White
Background / Bag Color: Red and White
In 1992, Chas. Balun followed up his book "Gore Score" with a sequel, "More Gore Score". The book rates horror movies on a scale of 1-10. With this book however, he also printed up an accompanying barf bag. All sorts of warnings cover the bag, such as "Warning!", "Wild, Biting, Savage, Bizarre", "It Will Shatter You", "Brave New Horrors", "Intense Terror!", and "You'll be Petrified".

Morning Chicness Baby Bubbles

Approximate Vintage: 2008
Received From: Paul Mundy
Print or Image Color: Brown, Yellow, Blue
Background / Bag Color: White
The Morning Chicness collection is a set of 6 designer barf bags for discerning pregnant women who want to barf in style. Baby Bubbles was placed third in the wrapped-with-a-bow 6-pak.

Morning Chicness Bambooboo

Approximate Vintage: 2008
Received From: Paul Mundy
Print or Image Color: White
Background / Bag Color: Green
The Morning Chicness collection is a set of 6 designer barf bags for discerning pregnant women who want to barf in style. Bambooboo was placed fourth in the wrapped-with-a-bow 6-pak.

Morning Chicness Labor of Love

Approximate Vintage: 2008
Received From: Paul Mundy
Print or Image Color: Red
Background / Bag Color: White
The Morning Chicness collection is a set of 6 designer barf bags for discerning pregnant women who want to barf in style. Labor of Love was placed fifth in the wrapped-with-a-bow 6-pak.

Morning Chicness Lavendar Lulu

Approximate Vintage: 2008
Received From: Paul Mundy
Print or Image Color: White
Background / Bag Color: Purple
The Morning Chicness collection is a set of 6 designer barf bags for discerning pregnant women who want to barf in style. Lavendar Lulu was placed first in the wrapped-with-a-bow 6-pak.

Morning Chicness Rosebuddies

Approximate Vintage: 2008
Received From: Paul Mundy
Print or Image Color: Pink, Black
Background / Bag Color: White
The Morning Chicness collection is a set of 6 designer barf bags for discerning pregnant women who want to barf in style. Rosebuddies was placed last in the wrapped-with-a-bow 6-pak. For some reason, it exhorts the user to Love. Laugh. Live. And may I add: Barf.

Morning Chicness Tickled Pink

Approximate Vintage: 2008
Received From: Paul Mundy
Print or Image Color: White
Background / Bag Color: Peach
The Morning Chicness collection is a set of 6 designer barf bags for discerning pregnant women who want to barf in style. Tickled Pink was placed second in the wrapped-with-a-bow 6-pak.

Mortification Scrolls of the Megilloth CD

Approximate Vintage: 1992
Received From: Chris Haab
Print or Image Color: Red
Background / Bag Color: Brown
A Christian Rock band (of all things) called "Mortification" released an album called "Scrolls of the Megilloth" in 1992. This bag is part of the promotion package. It plainly states, "If this world doesn't make you sick, Then you're not alive." Chris kindly disaggregated the bag from the CD for me.

Motion Sickness Bag Generic

Received From: Cara Dubcak
Print or Image Color: Black
Background / Bag Color: White
This envelope contains a plastic barf bag, however in an unusual packaging decision, the envelope is sealed. Very similar to, but palpably lighter colored than the KC-135 bag.

Mountain Dew - Hannah Teter

Approximate Vintage: 2004
Received From: Sarah Fina
Print or Image Color: Green
Background / Bag Color: White
Well here's a really stupid item. As part of some Mountain Dew / X Games promotional tour, PepsiCo printed up this gem that says, "Drink Up. Throw Down.®" Yes, Pepsi felt the need to to trademark this.

On one side, the bag says "Supersick in 2004" and on the other, it's says, "Hannah Teter", which is the name of some 15 year old snowboarder. Image how it must be to have your own barf bag at such a young age. I hope she handles the fame well and doesn't burn out and turn to drugs when the aprhodesia of puke bag celebrity wears off.